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Work Desk

your money matterS.

Learn Financial Skills at Work!

You've got the job. Now, make the most of your money.


This FREE program for Great Dane employees will help you examine your financial situation and learn how to plan a bright future using your money and resources.


  • A course consists of 6 hours of class, presented over 3 weeks. Attend all 3 classes and earn $200!

  • Optional mentoring will be offered once a month. Attend 3 mentoring groups and earn another $200!

  • Register at the Great Dane training center. You will chose your class times and take a brief survey when you register.

  • Classes are scheduled with your work shifts in mind, and will occur throughout 2023.



A FREE benefit for employees of Great Dane in Terre Haute

This financial literacy program was developed by Reach Services using modules adapted from the FDIC Money Smart Program. Funding for this initiative was provided by the United Way of the Wabash Valley, and educational support is provided by associates at The Hometown Savings Bank. The instructor is Charity Mouck, from Reach Services.

There are a total of 6 courses scheduled throughout 2023. Please see below for the current open courses. The current mentoring schedule is also below. Each of those 4 mentoring topics will be repeated throughout 2023 at different times. 2024 courses and mentoring will be announced at a later date. Currently we are scheduling all classes and meetings on Fridays. 

CURRENT COURSE SCHEDULE: (each class meets in the Training Center from 2:30 - 4:30pm each day listed)

  • Course 1: Friday April 21st, April 28th, May 5th, 2023

  • Course 2: Friday May 12th, May 19th, May 26th, 2023

  • Course 3: Friday July 14th, 21st, 28th, 2023

  • Course 4: Friday August 4th, August 11th, August 18th, 2023

  • Course 5: Friday September 15th, 22nd, 29th, 2023

  • Course 6: Friday October 6, October 13th, October 20th, 2023

CURRENT MENTORING SCHEDULE: (each group meets in the Training Center from 2:30 - 4:30pm each day listed)

  • Topic 1: Credit Score/Report Review and Repair, Credit Management

    • Friday June 16th, 2023 AND October 27th, 2023

  • Topic 2: Debt Reduction, Building Savings, Planning for Emergencies

    • Friday June 23rd, 2023 AND November 3rd, 2023

  • Topic 3: Homeownership

    • Friday August 25th, 2023​ AND November 10th, 2023

  • Topic 4: Investing, Saving for Retirement

    • Friday, September 8th, 2023​ AND November 17th, 2023

What will you learn in our course?
Read on...

Class 1: Start Where You Are

The first class in this course helps you take stock of your household's CURRENT financial situation. We will cover the following topics to help you understand what money you have and how you are using it:

  • We will explore your money values, your immediate goals, and how you currently make financial decisions

  • We will discuss your income and expenses and ensure you have a spending/savings plan (Budget) that works

  • You will learn how to review your Credit Score and Credit Report, and dispute any issues with those

  • We will explore Financial Services available and evaluate each option

Class 2: Advice for Changing Your Situation

The second class in this course helps you learn what you can do that make a difference in your situation RIGHT NOW. We will cover the following topics that can help you begin to change your financial situation and ultimately your future:

  • We will discuss community resources for your situation

  • We will explore your credit usage and possible need for repair, as well as Debt Reduction in general

  • You will learn how to assess your assets & building your net worth

  • We will explore your current plan for Saving money and Investing

Class 3: Building a Better Financial Future

In the final class we look at some of the bigger financial topics that may seem too "far down the road" or just not in your plan at the moment. We will cover topics that can help you create a better financial future for yourself:

  • We will explore Housing options – renting vs. homeownership

  • We will discuss how you prepare for and recover from emergencies

  • You will participate in some Future Goal Setting

  • We will discuss Retirement planning and long-term saving options

Mentoring is Available!

There will be an optional mentoring groups available. These groups will meet and cover a rotation of topics throughout the year. To be eligible for the mentoring incentive, you can attend 3 groups on the same topic, or 3 groups on different topics.


The mentoring topics are:

  • Topic 1: Credit Score/Report Review and Repair, Credit Management

  • Topic 2: Debt Reduction, Building Savings, Planning for Emergencies

  • Topic 3: Homeownership

  • Topic 4: Investing, Saving for Retirement


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